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ADMISSION PRICING Sept 21, 2024- October 31,2024

To come and enjoy food, and donuts or to pick pumpkins in our pumpkin patch or at the produce stand there is no admittance ticket is required


If you want to jump on the pillow, ride the hay maze, or get lost in the corn maze and all the other activities in

The Cornival does require you to purchase a wristband. 


Please note:  Due to our rural location, our internet does not have the capacity to support taking credit cards via cell phones or other mobile devices. We only take cash or check on site! We understand this may be an inconvenience so we have created other options such as purchasing tickets online and by installing ATM's on site.


NOTE:  The ponies on site are not affiliated with Dave's Pumpkin Patch.  Special hours on the weekends are 11AM-3PM

The Cornival pricing below does NOT include pony rides.  Tickets available on site only.


Wristband Weekday Pricing (Monday-Friday)

Attractions within The Cornival that are open on the weekdays (weather pending):

Hay Ride, The Jumping Pillow, Corn Maze (un-haunted), Hay Pyramid, Hay Maze and Farm Animal Viewing, and The Play Area and Movie Night (only available on Friday nights)


$12 per person - Ages 3 and up

ages 2 and under are free


wristband Weekend Pricing (saturday and sunday)

Attractions within the The Cornival that are open on the weekdays (weather pending):

Hay Ride, The Jumping Pillow, Corn Maze (un-haunted), Hay Pyramid, Hay Maze, Farm Animal Viewing, Princess Shows, Pumpkin Cannon Viewing, Tractor Train, Pig Races, The Play Area and Movie night (available only on Saturday nights)


$20 per person - Ages 3 and up

Grandparents $17 per person

ages 2 and under are free


seasonal specials

Family of Four Pack (the best value for the weekends) - $70

Save your money and purchase 4 wristbands for less.

Ticket includes wristband entrance to the cornival for a family of four. 

Ages 2 and under are free.


Two Day Pass $24 per person

Includes one wristband per person for entrance to the cornival one weekday AND one weekend

valid September 21, 2024 - October 31, 2024.

One wristband p/person Ages 3 and up.

Children 2 and under are free.


Season Pass $42 per person

Includes one wristband per person for entrance to the cornival -

available to use any time September 21, 2024 - October 31, 2024

One ticket p/person Ages 3 and up.

Children 2 and under are free.


Gift Certificates Available

Gift Certificates available $10 - $100 - you determine amount at checkout. 



the Haunted Corn MazE (oct. the 25 and 26 2024 only)


Pre Sale Price $20 per person - presale available through Oct. 25 (11:50PM)

Regular Price $25 per person

Includes one ticket per person for entrance to the The Haunted Corn Maze October 25 or October 26, 2024 .

Age recommendation 10 and up (use upon your own discretion) 


VIP Pre Sale Price $25 per person - presale available through Oct. 27 (11:50PM)

Regular Price $30 per person

Includes one VIP ticket per person for entrance to The Haunted Corn Maze October 25 or October 26, 2024 . This ticket grants you special front of the line VIP entrance to the Morbid Haunted Corn Maze at Dave's Pumpkin Patch

Age recommendation 10 and up (use upon your own discretion) ​​​

3010 Burrows Avenue | West Sacramento, CA
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Release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and identity agreement.


In consideration of participation in the activity of the jumping pillow, princess castle, hay maze, hay pyramid, rope climb, haunted maze, corn maze, tractor train, hay ride, Pumpkin Patch, pumpkin chunkin, and any other activities at Dave’s pumpkin patch. I represent that I understand the nature of these activities, and then I am qualified in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such activities. I acknowledge that I believe in event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the activities.


I fully understand these activities, involve the risk of serious, bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis, and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or in actions, Those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the release is named: and that there may be other risks, either not known to me, or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and responsibility for losses, cost and damages I incur as a result of my participation in these activities.


I, on behalf of myself, my personal representative representatives, and my heirs, hereby voluntarily agree to release, waive, discharge, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Dave’s Pumpkin Patch, and their owners, agents, officers, and employees from any, and all claims, actions or losses for bodily injury, property, damage, wrongful death, loss of services, or otherwise, which may arise out of my use of these activities or equipment on my participation and all activities stated, I specifically understand that I am releasing, discharging, and waiving any claims or actions that I may have presently or in the future for the negligent acts or another, or other conduct by the owners, agents, officers, or employees of Dave’s Pumpkin Patch.


I have read the release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and identity agreement, and I understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and I have signed it freely, and without any inducement or assurance of any nature, and intend to be a complete and uncontrollable release, viability to the greatest extent, allowed by law, and agree, that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.


The waiver is good for 60 days from the date below


Parental consent


And I, the minor's parent, and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of the above preference activities, and the minor’s experience and capabilities, and believe the minor to be qualified to participate in such activity. I hereby release, discharge, covenant, not to sue, and agree to identify and save and hold harmless each of the Releases from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on the minor’s account caused or alleged to have been caused in whole or part of the negligence of the Releases, I will identify, save and hold harmless each of the Releases from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss liability, damage, or cost any Releasee may occur as the result of such claim. Release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and identity agreement.

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